We had just finished a massive eye camp in anandwan.on the last day,the ot had finished at 6 am and a few of us had decided to go for a morning walk..
We came across a blind school with notes of music coming out,so we just went in entranced by the music..
What we saw was a blind teacher teaching harmonium and tabla to
His students,i looked at the harmonium keys to see if there were any markings on them for the blind to identify them,but there weren't any.Yet when any of the kids played any key wrong,the teacher would catch them immediately and made sure they played correctly.
We got talking to the teacher to try and learn something from him,he explained to us the importance of the notes in music how each key represented a different note and how playing different notes can make music,i knew all of this because i myself had learned singing as a child,but i had forgotten it all as i grew older,now it all came crashing back to me,how i had left singing so many years back because i thought that i had to concentrate on my studies and i couldn't do both,so i stopped singing.
And here i was, listening to this man sing sufi music in the most beautiful,heart touching voice i have ever heard and i wanted to sing,i wanted to be there singing,not listening,so i sang,i sang whatever little i could remember of those long ago lessons,and my heart was both heavy and light.heavy because of what i missed and light because i did what i enjoyed with no thought of tomorrow,in that moment i was in the present and thats all that matters.
we took leave of the teacher,not knowing if we will ever meet again,yet having learnt something from him.
Here was a visually impaired person who was living life in the present while i was a physically normal person who thought i was living a fulfilling life while the truth is that i was living in an empty shell because i had left behind so many valuable things to be where i am today.